Tag Archives: Bon Vivant

A “Fun”-draiser Fit for a King in South Huron

25 Mar

IMG_2305by Guest Diva-for-a-Day, Bonnie Sitter

Saturday evening the Bach Music Festival of Canada held a fund-raising Medieval Feast at Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church in Exeter.   Many people wore costumes, many of which were elaborate, all of which added greatly to the spirit of the evening. King Gerald  (Fagan) and Queen Marlene (Fagan) and their children provided entertainment, mostly on a musical theme.  The church was filled with laughter and singing.

The roasted pig was a great success and cameras were clicking as guests enjoyed the spectacle.
There were compliments all around for the catering service from Personal Chef Devin Tabor of  Bon Vivant.  Excellent was the word I heard used most regarding the feast .
The silent auction proved popular and  certainly aided in the fund raiser for the Bach Music Festival in July.
It will be a night not soon forgotten.
Photos by Bonnie Sitter
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